December 30th New Moon Tarot Insights: Navigating Threshold Moments
The new moon is upon us, and I’ve pulled our cards for this moon cycle. I used the Wild Unknown Tarot, and we got Judgement, Strength, and Death. All major arcana cards, which means that this moon cycle is going to be extremely powerful. Be sure to have a look at the cards, let’s dive in.
The appearance of these specific archetypes in the days following the winter solstice holds particular significance, as they represent threshold moments. Collectively we are moving from darkness to light. This process won’t happen instantly, but incrementally. Slowly but surely the days will get brighter. By February 1st we will be at the halfway point between winter and spring and the light will be strong enough to call forth the crocus and the daffodil.
On a personal level you might be feeling that are at a threshold. You may have achieved some of the goals you’ve set for yourself, and you might need to be thinking about where you’d like to go next. Maybe you’ve recognized some behaviors, relationships, or patterns in your life don’t seem to fit anymore, but you’re not sure how you want to address this knowing. Threshold moments can be mysterious, leaving us felling different but we’re not sure what that means yet.
The Call to Awakening
The Judgment card's white bird, rising above darkness with wings extended, mirrors our current seasonal journey. Just as we've passed the longest night and begin our gradual return to light, this celestial messenger leads others skyward from shadow. The timing is profound – like the solstice itself, this card heralds transformation and the promise of illumination. While our journey may start in solitude, like the first glimmer of dawn after the longest night, our personal evolution inevitably inspires others to rise.
Embodying Balanced Power
The Strength card follows, presenting a majestic lion adorned with an infinity symbol, gently cradling a rose in its mouth. This sequence suggests that after hearing the call to transform, we must find equilibrium between power and tenderness. The infinity symbol reminds us that this capacity for balanced action is limitless, ever renewing within us as we navigate change. Like the gradually lengthening days ahead, our inner strength grows incrementally but persistently.
The Sacred Release
The Death card, with its stark imagery of bones and remaining feathers, completes our narrative. Having heard the call and found our inner strength, we can now identify and release what no longer serves us. Like a tree inherently knowing which leaves to shed, our inner wisdom recognizes what parts are ready to fall away:
Protective patterns we've outgrown
Beliefs that no longer ring true
Roles that constrict rather than uplift
Commitments that don't align with our evolving truth
Honoring the Milestone
These profound transitions often occur quietly, without external recognition. Creating space to acknowledge their significance becomes crucial. Consider:
Crafting personal rituals to mark the transition
Documenting your journey through journaling or art
Setting aside time for deep reflection
Sharing your experience with trusted confidants
Creating tangible reminders of this threshold crossing
The Path Forward
As you stand at this midwinter crossroads, remember that transformation, like the return of light after solstice, unfolds gradually. Begin by answering the call that resonates within you. Draw upon your inner strength to navigate the changes ahead, and trust that what falls away creates space for new growth. Listen to your body's wisdom - tension often reveals where we're holding onto what's ready for release.
Your journey of transformation is worthy of recognition and care. Take time to honor this threshold moment, knowing that each conscious step forward, like each lengthening day, contributes to your evolving story.
From Archetypes to Action
On the latest episode of The Blooming Wand podcast, learn how to harness the power of threshold moments. Discover how to recognize and honor these magical in-between spaces where transformation becomes possible, guided by three powerful major arcana cards from our new moon reading.
I’ll share some great prompts for entering to the magic of threshold moments. Listen HERE, or find me on your favorite streaming platform.