December 13th Full Moon Tarot Curated Insights: On Feeling Stuck
Emily O'Neal Emily O'Neal

December 13th Full Moon Tarot Curated Insights: On Feeling Stuck

The full moon is upon us, and I’ve pulled our cards to curate our moon cycle’s theme. I used the Star Seeker Oracle deck and the Star Seeker Tarot, and we pulled Stuck, the Two of Swords and the Five of Cups. Be sure to have a look at the cards, let’s dive in.

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December 30th New Moon Tarot Insights: Navigating Threshold Moments
Emily O'Neal Emily O'Neal

December 30th New Moon Tarot Insights: Navigating Threshold Moments

The new moon is upon us, and I’ve pulled our cards for this moon cycle. I used the Wild Unknown Tarot, and we got Judgement, Strength, and Death. All major arcana cards, which means that this moon cycle is going to be extremely powerful. Be sure to have a look at the cards, let’s dive in.

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November 30th New Moon Tarot Curated Insights: On the Power of Dreams
Emily O'Neal Emily O'Neal

November 30th New Moon Tarot Curated Insights: On the Power of Dreams

New moon greetings friends. I’ve pulled our cards for this moon cycle, and I’ve got some tarot curated insights to share. This moon cycle I used the Light Seer’s tarot deck, and we pulled the Six of Pentacles, the King of Wands, and the Nine of Swords.

So, grab your journals, light a candle and settle into the present moment. Let’s explore this moon cycle’s themes together. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you. Let’s dive in!

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September 2nd New Moon Intention and Affirmation: Embracing Self Leadership
Emily O'Neal Emily O'Neal

September 2nd New Moon Intention and Affirmation: Embracing Self Leadership

The new moon is upon us, so you guessed it, I have a new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with. This moon cycle I used my Smith Waite tarot deck, and we pulled the Queen of Cups, The Tower, and the King of Wands. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you. Let’s dive in!

Intention: Have you ever felt empowered and confident only to become riddled with a sense of inner conflict?

Sometimes we feel a pressure to perform, achieve, and accomplish. We know we have the skill and ability to do the things we want to do, but inner conflict undermines our sense of surety.

A sense of mounting pressure rises, and we know if we don’t sit with the parts of ourselves that are in conflict we’ll have a meltdown.

Affirmation: I can hold space for opposing needs and desires.

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Clairsenses and Psychic Communication
Emily O'Neal Emily O'Neal

Clairsenses and Psychic Communication

I’m often asked what it means to be psychic and intuitive. First off, being psychic, intuitive, or tuned into your clairsenses is all one thing. I use these terms interchangeably. Second, I believe we all have psychic and intuitive abilities. Most people have experienced them on some level. Ever just known something to be true, only to have your instinct confirmed? Most likely it was your intuition that nudged you.

Some people intentionally develop and engage their psychic and intuitive abilities, while others don’t. Those who nurture these parts of themselves often find their abilities grow in wonderful and supportive ways. Some people, like me, choose to use their abilities to help others, while others don’t. Either path is valid.

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