August 4th New Moon Intention and Affirmation: Embracing a Growth Mindset
The new moon is upon us, and you know the drill, I have a new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with.
This moon cycle I used the Forest of Enchantment tarot deck, and we pulled the Seeker of Challenges (Knight of Swords, The Huntsman (Justice), and the Five of Visions (Five of Cups).
Be sure to look at the cards to see what they awaken in you. Let’s dive in.
Intention: In our desire to achieve and succeed we sometimes latch on to a certain mindset or vision, only to be humbled by setbacks and disruptions that, while frustrating, often help us to shift our vision in surprising and inspiring ways. .
Affirmation: I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
Seeker of Challenges / Knight of Swords
Looking at the Seeker of Challenges I see a dark knight ready to fight. It’s as though they’ve been looking for an opportunity to prove themselves at any cost. To do this, they go looking for trouble. We all know that when we look for trouble, we often find it.
There's a potent desire for growth, advancement, and achievement in this archetype. This knight craves experiences that tests their limits and pushes them to evolve. This card can also represent a tendency to actively seek out conflict or challenges, to a degree that may not be helpful.
When working with this archetype consider where you’ve been pushing or grasping. Are you worried you won’t achieve something? Do you feel embattled within and with others around you? Are you taking a head on approach to things? If so, how’s that going? If not, should you be?
The Huntsman / Justice
The Huntsman provides a nice counter to the strong will of the Seeker of Challenges. They remind us that challenges and setbacks are an inevitable part of the cycle of life. The card is a reminder that the natural world provides powerful lessons. There's a balance between harmony and disruption that exists in nature, and sometimes disruption leads to new growth.
Look at the Huntsman card. What do you see? When I gaze at this card, I see I figure standing confidently in a lush green forest. One hand gently placed upon the head of a deer while the other holds both bow and arrow. This weapon could kill the deer, and it probably will if the Huntsman needs food or other nourishment.
Yet there is no threat of death in this card, only the promise to take what is needed, when it’s needed, and nothing more. This makes me think of our last moon cycle’s theme of harmony. I see harmony and balance in this archetype. There’s no looking for trouble, only the promise that action will be taken when the need arises.
Five of Visions / Five of Cups
The Five of Visions represents the disappointment that comes when we encounter setbacks or disruption. It signifies loss, disillusionment, and the realization that things don't always go according to plan. But disappointments are often temporary. When things take an unexpected turn, opportunity can arise.
On this card we see a woman chasing a golden ball that’s rolled into a lake. It’s clear the woman is in distress and values the ball, and that to retrieve it, she’ll have to get into the lake. Resting on a lily pad is a frog. Doesn’t it seem like the woman and the frog are destined for a surprise meeting? If the ball never rolled away, the meeting could never happen.
New Moon Themes
This new moon cycle offers an opportunity to reframe your perspective on challenges and disappointments by acknowledging the desire for growth. Recognize the Seeker of Challenges energy within you. It's a powerful force that can propel you forward. Channel it productively by setting goals that challenge you without seeking unnecessary conflict.
Embrace the natural cycle of growth. Just as nature experiences both harmony and disruption, your spiritual journey will have its ups and downs. Use the Huntsman's wisdom to accept setbacks as steppingstones and opportunities to learn.
Find wisdom in disappointment. The Five of Visions signifies a potential for disillusionment. However, use what you’ve experienced to re-evaluate your approach and find a deeper connection to your intuition.
Instead of seeking fights or feeling discouraged by setbacks, use this new moon cycle to develop a growth mindset. Embrace the challenges, learn from the disappointments, and trust your inner wisdom to guide you on your spiritual path. This process, like the natural world, is a beautiful dance of growth and transformation.
How’s it going in your world? Are you experiencing and disappointment or challenge? Do share, you know I love to hear from you.
From Archetypes to Action
What’s a growth mindset?
We’ll take a closer look at the tarot archetypes that inspired our intention and affirmation.
Plus, I talk about the growth mindset concept popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck in her book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" published in 2006.
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