July 21st Full Moon Intention and Affirmation: The Hidden Power of Harmony
A full moon is upon us, so you guessed it, I have a new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with.
This moon cycle I used the Vintage Wisdom Oracle deck as well as the Star Seeker Tarot and we pulled Harmony, the Seven of Pentacles, and The Emperor.
As always, be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you. Let’s dive in.
Intention: Harmony is a natural state, after all we see it everywhere including ecosystems, natural patterns, seasonal cycles, predator-prey relationships, and more.
Think of the intricate spirals of seashells and the mesmerizing symmetry of snowflakes, nature is full of harmonious patterns that showcase efficiency and beauty.
Affirmation: I breathe in peace and exhale tension. Harmony surrounds and fills me.
Let’s Breakdown Each Card
I love mixing oracle cards with tarot cards. I feel like the oracle card gives us a theme to work with, and the subsequent tarot cards provide perspective on how we might approach said theme.
When I look at the Harmony card, I see a young figure playing the lyre. According to the creator of the Vintage Wisdom Oracle deck the figure is that of Orpheus from Greek mythology. He plays his lyre under the stars and three birds soar in the sky. There’s a beautiful temple or structure and a bundle of pink roses in each lower corner. What does all this mean?
Because Orpheus is known for his musical prowess, I think we should lean into how music can demonstrate harmony. Harmony refers to the pleasing arrangement of different pitches or tones played simultaneously. It's the relationship between these notes that creates a song. How these notes play together, or don’t, can evoke deep feelings within us.
Let’s consider the imagery of the Seven of Pentacles. When I look at this card I see a figure kneeling, grey sky and mountain peaks behind them, possibly indicating challenge and confusion. But the figure appears calm. Cup in hand they intentionally let water flow towards seven different pentacles. Without this care and attention, the pentacles will not bear fruit.
The Seven of Pentacles in the Star Seeker Tarot deck carries a message of nurturing your emotional and spiritual growth. It emphasizes patience, perseverance, and cultivating your inner garden to reap the rewards that harmony can bring.
Now let’s explore the image of The Emperor. Here we see a figure seated with arms crossed. This figure exudes confidence, experience, discipline, and wisdom. The sun shines down upon them, illuminating their figure from the side. The grass is green and lush.
There is harmony and balance in the image, yet the cross of the arms makes me think this person does not let their emotions cloud their judgement or disrupt their state of harmony. They have learned that emotions, like the weather, come and go. It’s best to feel and acknowledge them without letting them take over completely.
The Emperor has a focus on mental strength, structure, and taking action to achieve goals. It is a powerful archetype urging you to step into self-leadership by structuring your approach and taking decisive action to achieve a state of harmony.
What’s the Theme
At its core, harmony signifies agreement and balance. It’s a pleasing arrangement of different parts that evokes a sense of wholeness, unity, and contented coexistence. If you stop to think about it, we can find harmony, and experience harmony, almost anywhere.
I find examples of harmony in language, art, architecture, nature, and more. When we see or sense harmony, we immediately recognize it because it pleases our senses.
On a personal level, when we’re not battling internal conflicts or feeling disconnected, we feel in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. There's ease and well-being, and our burdens lift. It can feel like being "in the zone." Actions become effortless as they integrate with a sense of purpose. This opens the door to personal fulfillment.
Make it Personal
What does harmony mean to you?
In your life where could use more harmony?
Where does it already exist?
How do you contribute to creating harmony in your life?
When considering harmony are you more drawn to the recommendations of the Seven of Pentacles, The Emperor, or both?
Spend some time looking around you (nature, art, music, architecture) to see where you can bear witness to harmony.
Spend some time looking within to see about your relationship to harmony in this moment.
From Archetypes to Action
Is Harmony Missing from Your Life? Let’s take a closer look at how this moon cycle’s tarot and oracle cards help us understand how harmony can be an inspiration on our lives. Tune in to the Blooming Wand podcast for guidance.