August 19th Full Moon Intention and Affirmation: What is Not Mine I Leave Behind
Emily O'Neal Emily O'Neal

August 19th Full Moon Intention and Affirmation: What is Not Mine I Leave Behind

The full moon is upon us, and you know the drill, I’ve pulled three cards to curate an intention and affirmation for us to work with until the new moon.

This moon cycle I used the Light Seer’s Tarot, and we pulled the Eight of Cups, the Five of Pentacles, and the Nine of Pentacles. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you. Let’s dive in.

Leaving behind what no longer serves you is the overarching theme of this spread. To do this, it’s important to cultivate a strong vision for the future, one that is aligned with your values and authentic self.

It suggests a time of transition, where you're being called to let go of something that no longer supports your growth and embrace a new path towards abundance and fulfillment. To do this you must honor any pain or sorrow that comes with transformation.

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