October 2nd New Moon Intention and Affirmation: Embracing Intuition
It’s October! Can you believe it? How’s the change in season treating you? We’ve got our first new moon of autumn, and with that comes a new tarot curated intention and affirmation.
This moon cycle I used the Wild Unknown Tarot deck, and we pulled the 10 of cups, the Mother of Cups, and the 10 of Swords. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you. Let’s dive in.
Intention: Our intuition is always trying to help us along our path, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to take its wisdom onboard.
Affirmation: My intuition is here to support me, even when it challenges my status quo.e it stand out
The 10 of Cups typically represents emotional fulfillment, happiness, and harmony in relationships. I see it as a sign of contentment and joy within family or close connections. It’s always refreshing to see the 10 of Cups. Who doesn’t want to have harmony within their closest personal relationships?
The Mother of Cups, also known as the Queen of Cups in traditional decks, symbolizes compassion, intuition, and emotional depth. The Mother of Cups is nurturing, empathetic, intuitive and often an indication of a strong connection to one’s feelings. Much like the High Priestess the Mother of Cups is associated with psychic communication, intuitive knowing, and understanding the world on a deep intuitive level.
The 10 of Swords signifies endings, betrayal, or a painful conclusion. I’ve always associated it with a difficult situation coming to an end. It carries with it a sense of finality and a need to move forward, even when it’s hard.
When I consider the story these cards present, I see a reminder to listen to your intuition, even when it’s telling you something you’d rather not know. I’m struck by the swan on the Mother of Cups stretching a wing towards the rainbow colors of the 10 of Cups.
She’s turned her back to the darker imagery of the 10 of Swords, which depicts a cow or bull being impaled with swords. This made me feel like moving past hard or challenging times, towards more peaceful happy ones, which has been a theme for several moon cycles.
The next thing that came to me was the balancing of dark and light, head, and heart, mind and body. I feel like our intuitive Self is always helping us recalibrate and reorient, guiding us towards balance and inner harmony. In other words, our intuition is always trying to help us along our path, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to take its wisdom onboard.
Has your intuition ever told you something you’d rather not know? Doubting intuition, or simply not wishing to accept the gentle nudges it offers, is a common experience. So, I thought it might be nice to explore the ways our intuition can speak to us, and then dive into what happens when we have a hard time accepting what it tells us.
In my experience intuition communicates with us in various, often subtle ways. That’s not to say the messages aren’t clear, they often are. Here are a few examples of intuitive nudges. See if any of resonate with you. My guess is you’ve experienced a few of them.
Ever heard someone say, “I had a gut feeling about that.” Gut feelings can present as a strong, instinctual feeing in your body, often occurring in your solar plexus or stomach. These feelings tell you when something feels right or wrong. When I ask clients to describe their intuition, this is very often the first thing they say. Intuition can manifest in other physical ways like tightness in the chest, or a sense of unease. Many times, these sensations are your body’s way of letting you know something needs your attention.
Dreams are another method of intuitive communication. If you’ve ever worked with me, especially if you’ve been a mentoring client, you’ve probably heard me talk about the importance of writing down your dreams. Many people’s first instinct is to focus on what happens in a dream, or the symbolism they carry. And while these are certainly important components of dreams, I always recommend documenting how the dream made you feel, for therein lies the message.
Sudden insights or moments of clarity where a solution or understanding suddenly comes into your awareness is also a way that intuition can pop up in your life. Sometimes theme moments are examples of claircognizance or “clear knowing.” Your clair senses are ways that your intuition can communicate with you. That’s right, you have more than five senses!
I tend to lean towards claircognizance, but my other main form of intuitive communication is from a quiet inner voice or thought that guides me. It feels very different from regular thoughts, and I know that it’s not my mind, my anxiety, or anything else. Sometimes the quiet inner voice tells me things that I’d rather not know, or that are hard for me to hear, but I’ve learned to trust it.
Meaningful coincidences, also known as synchronicities, or events that seem too perfectly timed to be mere chance are a fun way that both the Spirit world and our intuition can communicate with us. The term synchronicity comes from Carl Jung. He used the term to describe evens that occur simultaneously and appear to be meaningfully related. He felt that synchronicity demonstrated the interconnectedness of all things, and I tend to agree.
Strong emotional responses to people, places, or situations that don’t seem to have a clear cause is another example of intuitive communication. Have you ever met someone and immediately had a strong feeling about them? How about a place, have you ever been to a place and had a strong reaction that seemed to come out of nowhere? Having a strong attraction or aversion to certain choices, people, or places without a logical reason can fall under this category as well.
Now that we have a better understanding of how intuition communicates with us, what happens when our intuition tells us something that’s difficult to accept? Situations like this can create a lot of internal conflict. Let’s dive into some ways that one might experience this.
We might feel a strong emotional pushback or resistance, such as fear, anxiety, or denial. This tends to happen when our intuition points out a truth that challenges current beliefs, or a truth that will take us out of our comfort zone.
Cognitive dissonance is something I’ve experienced when an intuitive nudge brought something into my awareness that I didn’t want to believe. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological state that occurs when we hold conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors within our awareness. This inconsistency often creates discomfort or stress. Here’s an example, if your intuition tells you that a relationship isn’t right for you, but you deeply care about the person in question, you might struggle to reconcile these concurrent truths.
A big indication that you’re not liking something your intuition is telling you is you start to feel the need to rationalize or justify something to avoid facing the uncomfortable truth your intuition is presenting. This can lead to overthinking and second guessing. When we know we need to make a change, based on an intuitive inclination or some other prompt, it’s common to experience resistance.
Some signs of resistance include downplaying the severity or importance of the issue at hand. This is essentially minimizing things or gaslighting oneself into thinking something isn’t as bad as it is. Shifting responsibility to others or even blaming fate is another sign of resistance.
Making excuses to not address the topic at hand, denying potential negative consequences to maintain the status quo, overly focusing on the positive to avoid facing the negative, comparing yourself to others who are in worse circumstances, and overthinking or analyzing to stay in a state of indecision also indicate resistance to intuitive messages that disrupt our status quo.
If you recognize these signs in yourself, it's a good indication that you may be rationalizing something. It's important to acknowledge your resistance and take steps to address the underlying issues preventing you from making the necessary changes.
On the positive side, listening to our intuition, even when it’s hard, can lead to personal growth and better decision-making. Remember, your intuition is often guiding you towards actions that align with your true self and highest good. Acknowledge the feelings that you have and take time to reflect on what your intuition is telling you. Talking it out with a trusted friend or professional can help you process and understand your intuitive insights better. There can be a lot to navigate, and you don’t have to do that work all on your own.
How’s it going in your world? Has your intuition ever highlighted a particular change or inner knowing that was initially hard for you to accept? Do share, you know love to hear from you.
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