November 30th New Moon Tarot Curated Insights: On the Power of Dreams
New moon greetings friends. I’ve pulled our cards for this moon cycle, and I’ve got some tarot curated insights to share. This moon cycle I used the Light Seer’s tarot deck, and we pulled the Six of Pentacles, the King of Wands, and the Nine of Swords.
So, grab your journals, light a candle and settle into the present moment. Let’s explore this moon cycle’s themes together. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you. Let’s dive in!
Sometimes we appear to have it all together on the outside, but inside we’re really struggling. I’ve noticed that when this happens to me, I don’t sleep well and often have dreams where I feel out of control or riddled with stress and anxiety. I think a lot of us feel like we must keep it together for others, because we’re afraid what might happen if we fall apart and share our inner struggles.
Intention: To cultivate a balance between giving and receiving, and to address inner anxieties with compassion and understanding through dream journaling.
Affirmation: I am strong and capable. I honor my feelings and approach them with compassion. I deserve peace and self-care.
The 6 of Pentacles suggests a balance of give and take, reminding us to be generous not just with others, but with ourselves. The King of Wands embodies outward confidence and leadership, yet this strong exterior might be hiding inner turmoil, as seen with the 9 of Swords. This card points to anxiety and worry, often manifesting in disturbed sleep and vivid dreams.
For those who are hypervigilant (always on alert and sensitive to potential threat) this spread highlights the struggle of maintaining an outward appearance of control while grappling with inner anxiety. This new moon is an opportunity for you to address these worried parts of yourself with compassion. Instead of pushing through, take time to understand and soothe these anxieties, creating a more harmonious balance between your external confidence and internal peace.
The message from these cards is clear - it's vital to not only acknowledge but also nurture the anxious parts of yourself. This journey involves recognizing the strength in vulnerability and the power of self-care in achieving true balance. Together, these cards may suggest a journey where of balancing generosity with leadership responsibilities, while also facing and overcoming personal anxieties. It's a prompt to act with confidence, share your resources wisely, and not let your fears hold you back.
Le't’s Breakdown Each Card
6 of Pentacles: This card often signifies generosity, giving, and receiving. It suggests a balance of give and take in your life. You might be able to share your resources, or you might find yourself on the receiving end of someone's generosity. It's a reminder of the importance of charity and kindness.
King of Wands: This card represents a charismatic and dynamic leader. It signifies vision, boldness, and taking charge with passion and confidence. It encourages you to harness your inner fire and take decisive action toward your goals.
9 of Swords: This card commonly reflects anxiety, worry, and sleepless nights. It can indicate mental anguish and the weight of personal fears. It’s a call to confront and address your worries instead of letting them consume you. One way you might do this is by starting a dream journal.
On the Power of Dreams
Paying attention to our dreams can be a powerful tool for self-care and exploration. Dreams can help us understand the fears and anxieties that lurk in our subconscious and impact our waking life in profound ways. By journaling our dreams, we can gain insights into our subconscious mind, uncover hidden emotions, and identify patterns that may be influencing our waking life.
This reflection can reveal hidden fears, desires, and unresolved conflicts, offering insights into our true emotional state. By examining our dreams, we can better understand the underlying issues that affect our daily lives, gaining clarity and awareness that might elude us when we are awake.
In this way, dreams act as a bridge between our conscious and unconscious minds, helping us achieve greater self-awareness and personal growth.
Dreams often serve as a mirror, reflecting our innermost thoughts, emotions, and experiences. While we sleep, our subconscious mind processes and replays the events of our waking life, sometimes in symbolic and abstract ways.
Studies have shown that dream journaling can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance creativity. Have you ever kept a dream journal? If so, how’d it go? Do share, you know I love to hear from you.
Join me on a mystical journey under the new moon as we delve into the profound insights revealed by the 6 of Pentacles, King of Wands, and 9 of Swords from the Light Seers Tarot deck.
In this episode, we'll explore the intersection of outer confidence and inner turmoil and discover how it shapes our perceptions and dreams.
I’ll guide you through a step-by-step dream journaling process to unlock the secrets of your subconscious.
Tune in to uncover hidden truths and embrace the transformative power of your dreams. Available on all streaming platforms of click HERE.